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Resources used prior to September 10th, 2021 can be found on the Agency of Administration Climate Council website


File Name Subcommittee or Climate Council View
(11) Pathways for Emissions Reductions Framing - Clean - 11-15-21 All
CSM Equity Scoring Rubric Meeting Contractor Minutes 10-14-21 Cross-Sector Mitigation
Agriculture & Ecosystems Equity Scoring Rubric Meeting Contractor Minutes 10-22-21 Agriculture & Ecosystems
Agriculture & Ecosystems Ad Hoc Meeting Contractor Minutes 10-20-21 Agriculture & Ecosystems
Rural Resilience & Adaptation Equity Scoring Rubric Meeting Contractor Minutes 10-22-21 Rural Resilience and Adaptation
CSM weekly check-in equity screen contractor minutes 10-12-21 Cross-Sector Mitigation
CSM weekly check-in equity screen contractor minutes 10-5-21 Cross-Sector Mitigation
CSM Equity Screen Contractor Minutes 10-28-21 Cross-Sector Mitigation
(11.1) Transportation Pathways for Mitigation - Tracked Changes - 11-15-21 All
(11) Pathways for Emissions Reductions Framing - Tracked Changes - 11-15-21 All
(11.2) Buildings & Thermal Pathways for Mitigation - Tracked Changes - 11-10-21 All
(11.5) Non-Energy Emissions Pathways for Mitigation - Tracked Changes - 11-10-21 All
(11.1) Transportation Pathways for Mitigation - Clean - 11-15-21 All
(11.3) Electricity Pathways for Mitigation 11-9-21 Cross-Sector Mitigation
CSM Responses to Council Comments 11-10-21 Cross-Sector Mitigation
(11.5) Non-Energy Emissions Pathways for Mitigation - Clean - 11-10-21 All
(11.1) Transportation Pathways for Mitigation - Clean - 11-10-21 All
(11.2) Buildings & Thermal Pathways for Mitigation - Clean - 11-10-21 All
Cross-Sector Mitigation Subcommittee Responses to Council Comments on CAP Draft 11-9-21 Climate Council
(7) Building Equity Into the CAP - Clean - 10-19-21 All
(7) Building Equity Into the CAP - Track Changes - 10-19-21 All
(9) Scientific Decision-Making Tools and Recommendations - Tracked Changes - 11-2-21 All
(9) Scientific Decision-Making Tools and Recommendations - Clean - 11-2-21 All
(9) Cost of Carbon & Social Cost of Carbon - Clean - 11-2-21 All
(9) Cost of Carbon & Social Cost of Carbon - Track Changes - 11-2-21 All